
Buckle up! A swanky new drive-in cinema is coming to the UK

Normally, this would be the time of year when you’d be weighing up which of London’s many star-canopied outdoor screenings to lob your blanket and Prosecco supply at over the summer months. Well, don’t give up those dreams of cinema under the stars just yet, because there’s another new drive-in cinema coming to London and the UK in the near future. 

In hot pursuit of the newly announced @TheDriveIn comes Luna Drive-In, the brainchild of outdoor cinema organisers The Luna Cinema. The screenings will take place at yet to be announced venues in London and across the country, and promise cutting-edge LED screens and a bespoke audio set-up that means no fiddling around with pesky car radios.

‘With its immediate separation from other audience goers, drive-in cinema is the perfect solution to get people back to the big screen,’ says George Wood, The Luna Cinema’s founder. ‘[In the past] we were unsure of the quality of the sound experience when running through an FM frequency into the car radio, but we’re confident we have cracked it with an incredible in-car wireless speaker solution.’

Luna is also promising food and drink delivered to your car (or Uber, if that’s how you’re rolling), and all the sound social distancing measures you’d expect in these safety-minded times.

Expect more information on venues, pricing, dates and the line-up of movies in the near future. If it sounds like your bag, register on the Luna Drive-In mailing list for the latest info.

If you’d rather stay at home, you can still communal film-watch at these virtual movie clubs.

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